Monday, January 4, 2010

Is this all Eve's fault?

Why is it that the expectation to take care of the children falls on the woman? It does at least in my house. I ask my husband why, but he can't seem to answer me. I don't understand-- I work a FULL TIME job. So, why is it that I am also mainly responsible for caring for our son? It's funny because before we got married, we talked a lot about what our life would be like. My husband and I both agreed that we would both work and we would both share the responsibilities of our home, and when we had children, we would co-parent. My husband was clear about the fact that he didn't believe in traditional male/female roles. I thought that I was entering a partnership. Six years later, this is definitely not a partnership.

It's an unspoken expectation that ultimately, I am responsible for caring for our child. I try to talk to my husband about it, but he ignores my requests to talk about this or he denies that this is the case. It sucks.

Tonight, I call my husband and tell him that he needs to come home on time because he has to give our son a bath. You know what he tells me? He says that he is tired and can't do it tonight. TIRED! Like I am not thoroughly exhausted myself. Honestly, how does he even think that he can tell me that he is too tired to give our child a bath. Why is that acceptable? Can I say that I am too tired to breastfeed our son? Can I say that I am too tired to change his diaper? NO. Because as a parent, one has to put the needs of his/her child ahead of one's own. Right? You're probably wondering who ended up giving the babe a bath. Or maybe you don't need to ask because, of course, I was the one who gave the baby a bath.
So, my question is, why are expectations different for men and women? Does anyone else have this issue in their home? How do you tackle it? I would love to hear how other people deal with this kind of situation. Please leave a comment.

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