Monday, January 4, 2010

Rough start to my day

My day started at 12:45am when the I-man woke up and wanted to nurse. I slept-walked to his room and scooped him out of his crib. I have to admit that I love when I get him out of his crib and he hugs me tightly. It makes waking up in the middle of the night so much better! I brought him into our bed and nursed him. He will usually sleep through in the morning at this point, but this morning he woke up at 4 again to eat. Then he kept waking up every hour or so to eat a little more. I call these mornings breakfast buffets. He hasn't done that in months. It was like he knew that he needed to stock up on the milk and comfort for the day. Babies are so smart.

Getting up out of bed was not fun. As usual I got up a lot later than I intended. Thankfully, my sister is babysitting for the day and so I didn't need to take the little man to daycare. I left the house as sister was feeding him cereal. My heart broke as he watched me put on my coat, grab my bags, and walk out the door. Seriously, leaving him this morning was just as hard as the first day that I left him at daycare. We had way too much fun this holiday break.

Luckily for me my meeting was canceled for this morning. Good thing too because the report was not written and I was going to have to scramble to get it done before the kids started to come in. Someone was watching over me today! The kids are so sweet, they were hugging me and telling me how much they missed me. I felt a slight twinge of guilt knowing that I didn't want to be there today. I love my students, but I love my son more and I really do wish that I was home with him.

The highpoint of my morning was when I spilled my entire travel mug of coffee on my classroom floor. Great. Just what I needed. Lucky for me, one of my co-workers has a coffee machine and she makes coffee a couple of times a day. Phew! Crisis averted!

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