Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Sleep? What's that?

My charming little son woke up at 12:45am again this morning. I managed to get up and bring him to our bed to feed him and fall back asleep again. The I-Man had other plans. Apparently, his body was possessed by the spirit of a crazy child because he spent the next 3 hours playing. He enjoyed kicking me, making high pitched sounds with his mouth, grabbing at me, pinching me, and sporadically eating. He thought the whole thing was quite funny. At one point he was mesmerized by the backlight of my IHome. I had to shut it off because he was laughing at it. Finally, at 3:30am, when I was counting the number of hours that I had until my alarm would go off again, I decided to put the child back in his crib. I anticipated some screaming and general distaste for being in his cold crib all by his lonesome. But if there is one thing that I have learned is to expect the unexpected with the I-Man. He didn't make a peep when I put him in the crib and he must have fallen asleep because I didn't hear from him again until 6:15 (which was not enough sleep for me, but hey, my needs don't matter, right?).

Work should be fun today.

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